By Michael Lee
“Come here,” she said,
As I looked death in her eye.
No, not yet your time, she said,
I call you instead to come to visit
Here to know me
But fear me not.
Let me remind you though,
Come here to this moment.
Life happens now
And I’m calling you “here”
Here to now.
Yes, learn from your past
And prepare for your future
But do not dwell long in either place
While now awaits you.
It is only here you can dance
Only here you can love
Only here you can breathe
And feel the wind in your face.
And the flow of this river of life.
Changing, twisting, turning
Engage it with your all
Not getting lost in the reeds
Or wasting time licking your wounds on the rocks
that occasionally rise up to hurt you.
It is all just part of the ride.
Come here
Embrace the gift of this moment
Allow it to show its beauty
and shine its light.
Come here and embrace it all.
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